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Saturday, October 9, 2010

David Bruce Mcmahan Daughter (PHOTO and VIDEO)

David Bruce McMahan has been accused as an incestuous father by his very own daughter Linda Schutt.

David Bruce McMahan is a philanthropist and financier who has supported initiatives to help the disabled internationally, the arts and land conservation. More so, according to reports David threatened Tony Ortega, the editor-in-chief of The Village Voice, to haul him in court. More details on this McMahan Daughter Seducer| McMahan Daughter S-e-x issue may be found here.

“I found out the other day that you’ve appealed a judge’s decision after he agreed with me that I shouldn’t have to testify in your pathetic legal action against your former fifth wife. In 2007, our writer interviewed that wife and now you’re trying to drag us into court, saying that merely talking to her violated the conditions of some no-doubt sadistic gag order you had her under.

But we both know why you really want to get me under oath. You have never gotten over our 2006 article that outed your years-long sexual relationship with one of your daughters, which culminated in the bizarre “wedding” you had with her in Westminster Abbey.”

 On WIKIPEDIA PAGE deletion:

“For months after our original story came out, you had your goons launch daily attacks at the website, using sock puppets and other methods to intimidate the online encyclopedia into removing any mention of what was in our stories.
“For a long time, there was only the barest evidence of what we’d written, a link to Kelly’s story at the bottom of your page, which was otherwise a press-release-sounding happy page about your companies.
Today, there’s no page at all. As far as Wikipedia is concerned, you don’t even exist.”


Watch Linda Schutt's Testimony against her father.

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